The police paraded them through the very market where they fired gun shots, threw down bombs in a busy market to celebrate the birthday of their gang leader in Uttar Pradesh, showed a video. The incident, which was reported from the Lal Bangla area of Kanpur, took place on Wednesday. CCTV footage helped zero in on the suspects and the police arrested three people. The three arrested have been identified as Sahil (18), Debu Kumar Valmiki (27), and Razjulla (23). The video showed that the men, surrounded by cops, were taken around the same busy market to restore confidence among the people. A senior police officer assured that under no circumstances will the social peace be allowed to be disturbed. "The police is keeping an eye on some of the associates of the three accused who have been arrested now and appropriate action will be taken against them," said the senior police officer. (With inputs from Arun Agarwal) from NDTV News- Special via...
The coming by-polls in West Bengal are expected to be bellwether for which way the political winds are blowing in Mamata Banerjee's West Bengal after the massive protests over the rape-murder of a Kolkata doctor. The protest, strongly backed by the urban middle class, has shaken the state and despite protesters' claims that it was apolitical, it had received significant support from the opposition. By-polls are due in six seats in various parts of the state - their geography and demography are expected to be strong indicators of the political trend. The seats include Naihati, the urban centre close to Kolkata, the minority dominated Haroa, Taldangra with a significant tribal population, Sitai with a chunk of minority and Rajbanshi vote, the tea garden seat of north Bengal. Madiahat and Medinipur. Many believe that the results now could throw light on whether the RG Kar protests will impact future elections. The Opposition BJP, which has been trying to dislodge Mamata Banerje...