The police paraded them through the very market where they fired gun shots, threw down bombs in a busy market to celebrate the birthday of their gang leader in Uttar Pradesh, showed a video. The incident, which was reported from the Lal Bangla area of Kanpur, took place on Wednesday. CCTV footage helped zero in on the suspects and the police arrested three people. The three arrested have been identified as Sahil (18), Debu Kumar Valmiki (27), and Razjulla (23). The video showed that the men, surrounded by cops, were taken around the same busy market to restore confidence among the people. A senior police officer assured that under no circumstances will the social peace be allowed to be disturbed. "The police is keeping an eye on some of the associates of the three accused who have been arrested now and appropriate action will be taken against them," said the senior police officer. (With inputs from Arun Agarwal) from NDTV News- Special via...
The world welcomed the New Year 2025 with grand celebrations, cultural events, and hope on Tuesday night - after a year of global elections, political turmoil, and war. Hundreds and thousands of people gathered all around to witness spectacular fireworks and engaged in cultural events, live music performances, and themed decorations as the world marked another rotation around the sun. In India, the New Year celebrations began in many cities with large gatherings and parties. Delhi's famous spots - India Gate, Hauz Khas, Connaught Place, and Lajpat Nagar - were filled with people. Photo Credit: ANI Photo Credit: ANI Ahead of New Year's Eve and a night of parties, the Delhi Police had put out a humourous social media post to warn drunk drivers, saying that they would hold a "cell block party" for hooligans. The post said this party's "opening performer" is a breathalyser that would identify drunk drivers, adding that they would provide "fr...