Neena Gupta has always been open about her personal and professional challenges. Recently, she shared how she often faces rejection during auditions. The veteran actress also recalled auditioning for the role of Priya Singh in Christopher Nolan's Tenet. The role was eventually played by Dimple Kapadia. Neena Gupta mentioned that she travelled all the way to Los Angeles to meet Christopher Nolan for the part, but despite her efforts, she did not land the role. In contrast, Dimple Kapadia, who did not even have to meet the director, secured the role in the 2020 film.
During her appearance on Kareena Kapoor's talk show What Women Want, Neena Gupta shared, “Bahut baar mai audition me fail ho jati hu. Audition ni lete to mai pass rehti hu. [I fail in auditions many times. If they do not take my audition, then it is fine.] I auditioned for Tenet (for) director Christopher Nolan. I went to LA for one day to meet him, came back. First, I did the audition here and sent it to him. They selected 5 ladies. Then, ultimately Dimple (Kapadia) did the role. She did not even go there.”
Neena Gupta hilariously added, “Mai Dimple ko milungi to bolungi ki tu gai bhi nahi. [When I will meet Dimple, I will tell her that you did not even go.]” The veteran actress concluded, “It is a director's image of the character. You can not say anything about it.”
In October, Dimple Kapadia recalled an incident from her time on the set of Tenet. She shared how, during a fitting session, director Christopher Nolan complimented her earrings and asked her to leave them behind after filming. “I went for a fitting and I promptly took out my earrings and wore them. Christopher Nolan turned around and said, ‘Oh, they're lovely. You can leave them behind after your shoot,' and I did," the actress told Vogue India.
In Tenet, Dimple Kapadia's character was an Indian arms trafficker. The movie also featured John David Washington, Robert Pattinson and Elizabeth Debicki in pivotal roles.
from NDTV News- Special
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