Late actor Rishi Kapoor's daughter Riddhima Kapoor recently revealed what his last two wishes were, during an interview with Zoom. The veteran actor died in 2020 after prolonged illness. Riddhima, who recently made her onscreen debut with the Netflix show Fabulous Lives vs Bollywood Wives, got candid during the interview and shared that her father had two wishes before dying - to see Ranbir married and settled in life, and to see the Kapoor family house built and ready.
"His last two wishes were getting Ranbir married and getting the house ready. So the house is almost ready, and Ranbir is married. It was very very emotional for us. I really wish he was here with us but I guess god had other plans," Riddhima shared.
Ranbir is now happily married to Alia Bhatt and the two have a beautiful daughter together, Raha Kapoor. The Kapoor house, on the other hand, is nearing completion.
Riddhima also opened up on Ranbir and Alia's wedding in 2022, sharing her brother's reason behind having a small function. "I had a really big wedding so I didn't have a good time at my wedding at all. My dad wanted to have the biggest wedding, which he did. So Ranbir was like, 'You know what, we have had a big wedding in the family, a big celebration so this time...' And he is a very simple guy. Both Ranbir and Alia are very simple people. So they were like we want to do it very small," she said.
Elaborating how the bride and the groom enjoyed every bit of their wedding and had a lot of fun, Riddhima added, "They said we just want people who matter to us, people who we are in touch with every single day and we want to have a good time ourselves and they did. Both of them were beaming with joy. They have thoroughly enjoyed their wedding and they met everyone, spent time with everyone."
Fabulous Lives vs Bollywood Wives released on Netflix last month. The show that originally started with Mumbai's Bollywood wives, Neelam Kothari, Seema Sajdeh, Maheep Kapoor, and Bhavana Pandey in the first two seasons, introduced three new entrants from Delhi this season - Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, Shalini Passi, and Kalyani Saha Chawla.
from NDTV News- Special
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