The police paraded them through the very market where they fired gun shots, threw down bombs in a busy market to celebrate the birthday of their gang leader in Uttar Pradesh, showed a video. The incident, which was reported from the Lal Bangla area of Kanpur, took place on Wednesday. CCTV footage helped zero in on the suspects and the police arrested three people. The three arrested have been identified as Sahil (18), Debu Kumar Valmiki (27), and Razjulla (23). The video showed that the men, surrounded by cops, were taken around the same busy market to restore confidence among the people. A senior police officer assured that under no circumstances will the social peace be allowed to be disturbed. "The police is keeping an eye on some of the associates of the three accused who have been arrested now and appropriate action will be taken against them," said the senior police officer. (With inputs from Arun Agarwal) from NDTV News- Special via...
Former Bengaluru Police Commissioner Bhaskar Rao, who is the Chairman of Aam Aadmi Party's (AAP) Manifesto Committee, is likely to join the BJP ahead of the Assembly polls in Karnataka, sources close to him and the party said on Tuesday. The former IPS officer today met state's Revenue Minister R Ashoka and held discussions. He is also said to have met Tamil Nadu BJP President K Annamalai, a former IPS officer and party's co-in-charge for Karnataka polls, and Union Minister Pralhad Joshi, sources said, adding that he will be joining the party soon. Mr Rao, who resigned from the IPS, had joined AAP in April last year, and was recently appointed as the party's Manifesto Committee's Chairman, and had emerged as one of the prominent faces of the party in the state. Mr Rao, who was even seen as AAP's probable candidate from the Basavanagudi Assembly constituency, is said to have quit the party due to his reported not so good equations with certain leaders especia...